Today I Learned...

Today I Learned...

Generate WAVE file in Zig, choosing the bit depth

In the last post, I told you how I learned the basics of generating a WAVE file, both in Python and Zig.

It turns out, my Zig code had a few bugs:

  • it was using the incorrect type for the 16-bits bit depth, which made the audio a bit distorted
  • the audio length was incorrect because the size of the data chunk was incorrectly calculated

Another thing was bugging me, I wanted to make it generic regarding the bit depth, so that I could decide if I wanted to use 8-bits or 16-bits each time.

In the process, I learned how to use types as values at compilation time. I thought there were would be some magic needed, but it turns out there’s no magic required: it’s the same syntax and semantics, the only difference is that they need to be known at compile time. Namely, you can have variables with type type, and assign values to them like bool, u8 or i16 to them, and use these values in expressions as well, e.g. if (someType == u8) .... As long as the value of someType is known at compile time, it’s all good!

This allows for interesting ways to create abstractions.

I peeked at the code of a project found online, zig-wav, and it has some really cool tricks using this to convert samples from any known type to a target type. See the code in sample.zig module, I thought the implementation of that convert() function real smart. I changed the way I convert the samples from float to int to a similar way that’s done there.

Finally, I also added a tiny usability improvement: I added a volume scaler, so that the result it’s not too loud. =D

Here’s the final code:

const std = @import("std");
const Endian = std.builtin.Endian;

// PCM Format:
// 8-bit samples are stored as unsigned bytes, ranging from 0 to 255.
// 16-bit samples are stored as 2's-complement signed integers, ranging from -32768 to 32767.

fn convertSampleToInt(comptime T: type, value: f32) T {
    const min = std.math.minInt(T);
    const max = std.math.maxInt(T);
    var toScale = value;

    // here we handle the special case of 8-bit samples
    if (T == u8) toScale = (toScale + 1) / 2;

    return @intFromFloat(std.math.clamp(@round(toScale * max), min, max));

// Write a WAV file with a simple stereo signal to the stdout.
// The left channel has a frequency that increases over time, while the right
// channel has a frequency that decreases over time.
pub fn main() !void {
    const stdout_file =;
    var bw =;
    const stdout = bw.writer();

    const duration = 5; // seconds
    const bit_depth = 16; // try changing this to 8
    const samplerate = 44100;
    const nchannels = 2;

    // we will use this type to write the samples to the file
    const sampleType = switch (bit_depth) {
        8 => u8,
        16 => i16,
        else => @panic("unsupported bit depth, only 8 and 16 are supported."),

    const num_of_samples: u32 = duration * samplerate;
    // This article explains the WAV format in detail:

    // We start with the RIFF header
    try stdout.writeAll("RIFF");

    // The size of the file, minus the first 8 bytes
    const header_size = 36;
    try stdout.writeInt(
        header_size + num_of_samples * nchannels * (bit_depth / 8),
    try stdout.writeAll("WAVE");

    // format chunk
    try stdout.writeAll("fmt ");
    try stdout.writeInt(u32, 16, Endian.little);

    try stdout.writeInt(u16, 1, Endian.little); // audio format (1 = PCM)
    try stdout.writeInt(u16, nchannels, Endian.little);

    try stdout.writeInt(u32, samplerate, Endian.little);

    // block align, i.e. number of bytes per sample (all channels included)
    const blockAlign = nchannels * (bit_depth / 8);

    // byte rate
    try stdout.writeInt(u32, blockAlign * samplerate, Endian.little);

    try stdout.writeInt(u16, blockAlign, Endian.little);

    // bit depth
    try stdout.writeInt(u16, bit_depth, Endian.little);

    // now, setup the data chunk...
    try stdout.writeAll("data");
    try stdout.writeInt(
        num_of_samples * nchannels * (bit_depth / 8),

    // and let's write some audio data!
    const volume = 0.5;
    for (0..num_of_samples) |frame_idx| {
        const time = @as(f32, @floatFromInt(frame_idx)) / @as(f32, samplerate);

        const freq_fun_factor = @as(f32, @floatFromInt(frame_idx)) * 0.002;

        // in the left channel, let's make the frequency increasing...
        const signal1 = volume * @sin(2 * std.math.pi * (220 + freq_fun_factor) * time);
        try stdout.writeInt(
            convertSampleToInt(sampleType, signal1),


        if (nchannels == 1) {

        // and in the right channel, let's make it decreasing
        const signal2 = volume * @sin(2 * std.math.pi * (220 - freq_fun_factor) * time);
        try stdout.writeInt(
            convertSampleToInt(sampleType, signal2),

    try bw.flush();