Generate WAVE file in Zig, choosing the bit depth
In the last post, I told you how I learned the basics of generating a WAVE file, both in Python and Zig.
It turns out, my Zig code had a few bugs:
- it was using the incorrect type for the 16-bits bit depth, which made the audio a bit distorted
- the audio length was incorrect because the size of the data chunk was incorrectly calculated
Another thing was bugging me, I wanted to make it generic regarding the bit depth, so that I could decide if I wanted to use 8-bits or 16-bits each time.
In the process, I learned how to use types as values at compilation time. I
thought there were would be some magic needed, but it turns out there’s no
magic required: it’s the same syntax and semantics, the only difference is that
they need to be known at compile time. Namely, you can have variables with type
, and assign values to them like bool
, u8
or i16
to them, and use
these values in expressions as well, e.g. if (someType == u8) ...
. As long as
the value of someType
is known at compile time, it’s all good!
This allows for interesting ways to create abstractions.
I peeked at the code of a project found online,
zig-wav, and it has some really
cool tricks using this to convert samples from any known type to a target type.
See the code in sample.zig
module, I
thought the implementation of that convert()
function real smart. I changed
the way I convert the samples from float to int to a similar way that’s done
Finally, I also added a tiny usability improvement: I added a volume
so that the result it’s not too loud. =D
Here’s the final code:
const std = @import("std");
const Endian = std.builtin.Endian;
// PCM Format:
// 8-bit samples are stored as unsigned bytes, ranging from 0 to 255.
// 16-bit samples are stored as 2's-complement signed integers, ranging from -32768 to 32767.
fn convertSampleToInt(comptime T: type, value: f32) T {
const min = std.math.minInt(T);
const max = std.math.maxInt(T);
var toScale = value;
// here we handle the special case of 8-bit samples
if (T == u8) toScale = (toScale + 1) / 2;
return @intFromFloat(std.math.clamp(@round(toScale * max), min, max));
// Write a WAV file with a simple stereo signal to the stdout.
// The left channel has a frequency that increases over time, while the right
// channel has a frequency that decreases over time.
pub fn main() !void {
const stdout_file =;
var bw =;
const stdout = bw.writer();
const duration = 5; // seconds
const bit_depth = 16; // try changing this to 8
const samplerate = 44100;
const nchannels = 2;
// we will use this type to write the samples to the file
const sampleType = switch (bit_depth) {
8 => u8,
16 => i16,
else => @panic("unsupported bit depth, only 8 and 16 are supported."),
const num_of_samples: u32 = duration * samplerate;
// This article explains the WAV format in detail:
// We start with the RIFF header
try stdout.writeAll("RIFF");
// The size of the file, minus the first 8 bytes
const header_size = 36;
try stdout.writeInt(
header_size + num_of_samples * nchannels * (bit_depth / 8),
try stdout.writeAll("WAVE");
// format chunk
try stdout.writeAll("fmt ");
try stdout.writeInt(u32, 16, Endian.little);
try stdout.writeInt(u16, 1, Endian.little); // audio format (1 = PCM)
try stdout.writeInt(u16, nchannels, Endian.little);
try stdout.writeInt(u32, samplerate, Endian.little);
// block align, i.e. number of bytes per sample (all channels included)
const blockAlign = nchannels * (bit_depth / 8);
// byte rate
try stdout.writeInt(u32, blockAlign * samplerate, Endian.little);
try stdout.writeInt(u16, blockAlign, Endian.little);
// bit depth
try stdout.writeInt(u16, bit_depth, Endian.little);
// now, setup the data chunk...
try stdout.writeAll("data");
try stdout.writeInt(
num_of_samples * nchannels * (bit_depth / 8),
// and let's write some audio data!
const volume = 0.5;
for (0..num_of_samples) |frame_idx| {
const time = @as(f32, @floatFromInt(frame_idx)) / @as(f32, samplerate);
const freq_fun_factor = @as(f32, @floatFromInt(frame_idx)) * 0.002;
// in the left channel, let's make the frequency increasing...
const signal1 = volume * @sin(2 * std.math.pi * (220 + freq_fun_factor) * time);
try stdout.writeInt(
convertSampleToInt(sampleType, signal1),
if (nchannels == 1) {
// and in the right channel, let's make it decreasing
const signal2 = volume * @sin(2 * std.math.pi * (220 - freq_fun_factor) * time);
try stdout.writeInt(
convertSampleToInt(sampleType, signal2),
try bw.flush();