Today I Learned...

Today I Learned...

Debugging Zig: with lldb and inside Neovim

Today I learned how to use a debugger to debug Zig programs.

The lldb way (gdb style)

First, I learned how to use lldb, the debugger provided by the LLVM project.

It works nicely, it’s simple enough, it feels a lot like gdb: you run lldb $EXECUTABLE_FILE, and that will open a shell debugger that you can use like:

First, add a breakpoint to the main function with command: b main.

Then, start running the program with command r (stands for run).

Then, you can use n to go to the next line (step over) and s to step into the function in the current line.

It also has a gui command that will display a user interface GUI-like, where you can still do n to go to the next line and s to step into, but it’s more responsive because no need to hit <Enter> after each command.

Here is what it looks like:

Debugging a Zig program with LLDB - Screenshot

Okay, so that works, can we do better?

The nvim-dap way + codelldb

So I’ve started using nvim-dap and nvim-dap-ui recently, and I’m hooked! These are plugins that use the Debug Adapter Protocol, which is basically a protocol for editors/IDEs to talk to debugger tools.

In order to debug Zig code with nvim-dap, you need to configure an adapter. For Linux, there are mainly two options:

First option: a simpler adapter that uses lldb directly: this kinda works, but when attempting to debug a Zig program that reads commands from the standard input, I couldn’t figure how to feed it.

Second option: using the codelldb adapter, which is actually a VS Code extension that wraps a custom version of lldb, and this works better!

To install codelldb, well, you actually gotta install VS code or VSCodium beforehand, and then install the CodeLLDB extension on it. Once you have it, then you can find out the path to the codelldb executable and put it in your $PATH.

In my system, Ubuntu 22.04, I used VSCodium, and I found the codelldb executable in ~/.vscode-oss/extensions/vadimcn.vscode-lldb-1.10.0-universal/adapter/codelldb, so I basically just ran in my terminal:

cd ~/bin
ln -s ~/.vscode-oss/extensions/vadimcn.vscode-lldb-1.10.0-universal/adapter/codelldb

Anyway, once you have that, then you can setup the adapter for nvim-dap to use, here’s what I put in my Neovim config (Lua code):

local dap = require("dap")

-- configure codelldb adapter
dap.adapters.codelldb = {
    type = "server",
    port = "${port}",
    executable = {
        command = "codelldb",
        args = { "--port", "${port}" },

-- setup a debugger config for zig projects
dap.configurations.zig = {
        name = 'Launch',
        type = 'codelldb',
        request = 'launch',
        program = '${workspaceFolder}/zig-out/bin/${workspaceFolderBasename}',
        cwd = '${workspaceFolder}',
        stopOnEntry = false,
        args = {},

Here is what looks like using it:

Debugging a Zig program with Neovim DAP + adapters - Screenshot

Full config available here.