About Zig structs and using @ptrCast for getting Zig data in C callbacks
In the previous post, I went about my experiments with Zig and the FluidSynth Sequencer API.
I wasn’t fully happy with my Zig code, because I was resorting to global variables and didn’t quite know how to organize it.
So I went on and learned how to make abstractions in Zig, and it is actually quite simple: just use a struct! Much like a C typedef struct, that allows for state and behavior encapsulation – almost like a class, except no inheritance. But inheritance kinda stinks anyway, so… we’re good! :D
I started to refactor my code into a struct I called Metronome
much like in
the Python version from the previous post, adding functions that receive the
reference to the struct as first argument, “cool, this is a lot like Python
Then I hit a problem: how will I get a pointer to self
inside my callback
function that needs to be called from C, which I cannot change its signature?
At first, I left one global variable that pointed to the struct, which I used
in the callback. Then, after asking for help on the
someone gave me the solution: use the data
parameter of the callback function
to pass along the reference, do some pointer casting et voilà !
That allowed me to put the callback inside the Metronome
and get rid of the
final global variable!
The solution looks obvious now, but I was too deep in my mess to see it, plus I didn’t know about pointer casting.
So yeah, that’s how I learned about using structs in Zig, and
to convert
pointers from different types, and also to combine it with
to change
the pointer alignment.
I am now quite pleased with the code, here it is:
// this is a Zig port of the C example at:
// https://www.fluidsynth.org/api/fluidsynth_metronome_8c-example.html
const std = @import("std");
const fluid = @cImport(@cInclude("fluidsynth.h"));
const Metronome = struct {
// metronome parameters
tempo: u32 = 120,
pattern_size: u32 = 4,
// sequencer instance
seq: ?*fluid.fluid_sequencer_t = null,
// will mark the begin time of a measure, updated every time a new measure is scheduled
time_marker: c_uint = 0,
// sequencer destination ports
synth_port: fluid.fluid_seq_id_t = 0,
client_callback_port: fluid.fluid_seq_id_t = 0,
pub fn init(
self: *Metronome,
seq: ?*fluid.fluid_sequencer_t,
synth: ?*fluid.fluid_synth_t,
) void {
self.seq = seq;
// we'll send note events to the synth port
self.synth_port = fluid.fluid_sequencer_register_fluidsynth(seq, synth);
self.client_callback_port = fluid.fluid_sequencer_register_client(
// get the current sequencer time
self.time_marker = fluid.fluid_sequencer_get_tick(seq);
// this callback will be called every time a sequencer event is received
fn sequencer_callback(
time: c_uint,
event: ?*fluid.fluid_event_t,
seq: ?*fluid.fluid_sequencer_t,
data: ?*anyopaque,
) callconv(.C) void {
_ = time;
_ = event;
_ = seq;
const self: *Metronome = @ptrCast(@alignCast(data.?));
fn schedule_timer_event(self: *Metronome) void {
const event = fluid.new_fluid_event();
defer fluid.delete_fluid_event(event);
fluid.fluid_event_set_source(event, -1);
fluid.fluid_event_set_dest(event, self.client_callback_port);
fluid.fluid_event_timer(event, null);
_ = fluid.fluid_sequencer_send_at(self.seq, event, self.time_marker, 1);
fn schedule_note_on(
self: *Metronome,
midi_chan: i16,
time: c_uint,
note: i16,
velocity: i16,
) void {
const event = fluid.new_fluid_event();
defer fluid.delete_fluid_event(event);
fluid.fluid_event_set_source(event, -1);
fluid.fluid_event_set_dest(event, self.synth_port);
fluid.fluid_event_noteon(event, midi_chan, note, velocity);
_ = fluid.fluid_sequencer_send_at(self.seq, event, time, 1);
fn schedule_metronome_pattern(self: *Metronome) void {
const beat_duration_ms: u32 = 60000 / self.tempo;
const midi_chan = 9; // channel 10 is the drum channel
const strong_note = 76; // woodblock high
const weak_note = 77; // woodblock low
var i: u32 = 0;
while (i < self.pattern_size) : (i += 1) {
const note_to_play: i16 = if (i == 0) strong_note else weak_note;
const velocity: i16 = if (i == 0) 127 else 90;
const play_at: c_uint = self.time_marker + (i * beat_duration_ms);
self.schedule_note_on(midi_chan, play_at, note_to_play, velocity);
self.time_marker += beat_duration_ms * self.pattern_size;
pub fn start(self: *Metronome) void {
pub fn main() void {
const settings = fluid.new_fluid_settings();
defer fluid.delete_fluid_settings(settings);
const synth = fluid.new_fluid_synth(settings);
defer fluid.delete_fluid_synth(synth);
// here we load the soundfont file
_ = fluid.fluid_synth_sfload(synth, "soundfonts/GeneralUser_GS_v1.471.sf2", 1);
// set up the audio driver to play sounds from the synth
const audio_driver = fluid.new_fluid_audio_driver(settings, synth);
defer fluid.delete_fluid_audio_driver(audio_driver);
// initialize the sequencer
const seq = fluid.new_fluid_sequencer2(0);
defer fluid.delete_fluid_sequencer(seq);
var metro = Metronome{ .tempo = 120, .pattern_size = 4 };
metro.init(seq, synth);
// run the sequencer for 1 minute
std.time.sleep(std.time.ns_per_min * 1);
std.debug.print("Practice time is over, stopping now\n", .{});